Friday, July 12, 2013

Page by Paige by Laura Lee Gulledge

Goodreads: Page by Paige
Source: Library
Published: 2011

Summary: After moving to Brooklyn, sixteen-year-old Paige Turner draws in her sketchbook to cope with the difficulty of making new friends and finding her voice.

Review: Page by Paige is a heartwarming look inside the mind of an introverted teen, one who feels something must be wrong with her because she lives inside her head and has a tendency toward privacy.  Initially, some readers may find themselves put off by her self-deprecating comments—Paige has the ability to turn every event into a huge ordeal, worrying that her friends secretly dislike her, that her mother masks her emotions, and that everyone thinks she is self-centered or burdensome.  Her issues are, however, ones with which many others will relate.  Watching Paige find her voice as she becomes more confident both in her relationships and her artwork is even inspirational.

Admittedly, one or two of the episodes in the book actually contribute to the impression that Paige really does have some issues with selfishness.  While a teenager’s troubled relationship with her parents, formed under the impression that they “don’t understand” proves realistic enough, Paige’s response may raise eyebrows.  As part of a series of episodes in which Paige leaves her comfort zone to showcase her artwork and assert herself, the girl chooses to, in her words, “stand up for herself” by refusing to clean her room before company calls.  Paige seems to think that her mother, in making the request, is attempting to form a false image of how they live and does not consider that cleaning for guests may be considered a sign of respect.  Subsequent events do not clarify whether the author really meant this moment to show off Paige’s new strength or if it remains the one ugly incident in a series of otherwise positive steps forward for the girl.

Perhaps the real strength of the book lies not in its slightly shy, but adorably quirky protagonist, but in the artwork.  Scenes of real imagination and real beauty fill the book, making Paige’s thoughts about family, friends, and herself come alive through an intricate interplay of emotion and symbolism.  While some of the images, such as freckles forming constellations across one’s cheeks, may seem cliché, the author still manages to breathe new life into them; she seems to channel the earnestness her young protagonist would have felt in drawing out the scenes.

Page by Paige stands out because it justifies its existence as a graphic novel.  The images do not merely illustrate the events of the story, but act as part of the story itself, drawing readers in to understand more than what Paige tells them in words.  Even more provocatively, many of the panels are meant to be understood as not only part of the book but also as part of Paige’s personal sketchbook.  The result is an intelligent, challenging read that still manages to exude heart and humor.


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